Mineral Magnesium
Magnesium is essential for life. The mineral is involved in a variety of metabolic processes in the body.
Frau macht Pause von Yoga
Doppelherz aktiv
  • 250 mg Magnesium, 450 mg Calcium, 10 µg Vitamin D3
  • Supports muscle function and helps maintain strong bones
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The role of magnesium

Magnesium plays a tremendously important role in many processes that take place in our body. There is only a relatively small amount of magnesium in our body: almost two tablespoons full, about 20–30 g of magnesium, are present in the body in total.



Ein Teller mit zubereiteten Fisch für die optimale Versorgung mit Omega-3-Fettsäuren.
Magnesium in water

The fact that it is important to drink enough is now on everyone's lips. Water is often referred to as our elixir of life, because it takes on numerous vital functions in the human body. In fact, the body is about two-thirds water and our brain even about 80 percent! It is therefore very worthwhile to ensure sufficient hydration by drinking at least 1,5 litres per day.

Frau macht Yoga
Magnesium deficiency
Signs of a magnesium deficiency

The human body of an adult human contains an average of 25 g of the vital metal. Most of it is stored in the bones. When our body has too little magnesium available, the body uses its own reserves. Magnesium is released into the blood from muscles, bones and organs.

MAGNESIUM – The mineral for muscles and nerves

You can't do without magnesium! Regardless of whether it is during sport, tension due to stress or strained muscles due to physical activity: magnesium is an important prerequisite in many areas for your health.

Magnesium plays a vital role because without this mineral, no living cell can fulfil its diverse functions. Magnesium is needed in the human body, for example, in the area of energy metabolism or transmission of stimuli. However, it is also very important for normal muscle function. The heart muscle, which works day after day, also needs magnesium. Find out more about the various roles of magnesium in our body here!

Those who like to be on the move can usefully support their performance with our high-quality Doppelherz magnesium product.

The human body consumes magnesium on a daily basis. It can be useful to support your magnesium supply, particularly in certain life situations with increased physical exertion, such as during sport, stress, or pregnancy. 

Because the body cannot produce the mineral itself, it is important to obtain enough magnesium in our food. Fortunately, there are many foods that contain magnesium. Whole-grain products, legumes and nuts are particularly good sources. But did you know that, for example, you would have to eat nine bananas or five kilos of apples a day to cover your daily magnesium requirement? A varied diet is therefore important. 

Now we hope you enjoy reading – and keep moving with magnesium!

Your Doppelherz team